Every patient has a unique situation and should expect a personalized assessment and treatment plan for optimal ear health. Dr. Jackson provides specialized services for patients with a wide variety of ear disorders. These include surgical and non-surgical options.

Some of the services and procedures offered include:

  • Ear evaluation in the office (pediatric)

  • Ear evaluation in the office (adult)

  • Ear cleaning and hearing evaluation in the office

  • Ear drum repair or reconstruction (tympanoplasty): https://youtu.be/k6mSNaaAquU

  • Repair of small bones of hearing (ossiculoplasty): https://youtu.be/sp02pHkCOPY

  • Removal of mastoid bone infection (mastoidectomy)

  • Cholesteatoma removal: https://youtu.be/ji4NBn3zJWc

  • Cochlear Implant

  • Endoscopic Ear Surgery

  • Bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA)

  • Ear tubes (in office or in OR)

  • 2nd opinion evaluation

  • Transtympanic injections (steroid shot)

  • Ear canal reconstruction (canalplasty)

  • Skull base tumor removal

  • Surgery for acoustic neuroma tumor

  • Facial nerve decompression

  • Laser Stapes surgery (Stapedectomy/stapedotomy)

  • Repair of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak

  • Middle Cranial Fossa Encephalocele Repair

  • Intact-wall mastoidectomy

  • Canal wall down radical mastoidectomy

  • Surgery for Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

  • Endolymphatic Sac Decompression

  • Labyrinthectomy

  • Mastoid obliteration (subtotal petrosectomy)

  • Translabyrinthine approach for acoustic neuroma tumor removal

  • Middle cranial fossa approach for acoustic neuroma tumor removal

  • Retrosigmoid approach for acoustic neuroma tumor removal

  • And more